I have been supervising theses at bachelor and master level as well as internships. Congratulations to all my students who have succefully defending their theses! Feel free to contact me if you want to have me as your supervisor or co-supervise students with me. In addition, I am a supervisor for the Digital Humanities Minor.
Aligning Data Management Plans with Community Standards using FAIR Implementation Profiles
Student: Navroop K. Singh (now a master's student at the famous Tinbergen Institute. Congratulations Navroop!).
Type: BSc CS, VU, NL.
Keywords: FAIR Implementation Profile, FAIR Principles, Data Management Plans
>> conference paper (MTSR'24)
>> The student also contributed to a conference paper (MTSR'23)
>> data:
>> code: Github
* Winner of the OSCA Awards*
Knowledge Modelling and Strategy Engineering in Reconnaissance Blind Chess
Student: Robin Stöhr (now a software engineer at Uber).
Type: MSc AI, VU, NL.
Keywords: chess, machine learning, knowledge modelling, Reconnaissance blind chess
Co-supervisor: Zhisheng Huang
>> The Scorca bot Our bot is now #2 in the global learderboard!
>> workshop paper (TOM@ICML'23)
>> conference paper (ICAART'24)
>> code: Github &
>> data:
Seeing The Words: Evaluating AI-Generated Biblical Art
Student: Hidde Ngunjiri Gitau Makimei (now a master student of A.I. at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Type: BSc CS, VU, NL. Keywords: generative AI, bible, Dall E, Stable Diffusion Co-supervisor: Willem van Peursen >> exhibition >> conference paper to be submitted >> thesis abstract (BNAIC'23) >> dataset
Examining the Cadastral Linked Open Data on the Web: Usability, Preservation, and FAIR Assessment (Internship at Kadaster)
Student: Jeroen Klaver (now a Data Engineer at AURAI). Type: BSc CS, VU, NL. Keywords: Geosptail data, FAIR data, cadastral data, data preservation Co-supervisor: Alexandra Rowland (a.k.a. Lexi)
Towards FAIR Research Data Management: Ecosystem, Decision-making, and Use Cases
Student: Rahmi Ata Turan (now working at the ABN AMRO Bank). Type: BSc A.I., VU, NL. Keywords: Data management, FAIR data, data management ecosystem Co-supervisor: Zhisheng Huang
Surrealistic-Like Image Generation with Vision-Language Models
Student: Elif Ayten (now a master student in Artificial Intelligence at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Type: BSc A.I., VU, NL. Keywords: Surrealism, image generation, computational art, Co-supervisor: Hjalmar Snoep (Snoep Studio) >> conference paper (BNAIC'23)
Converting and Enriching Geo-annotated Event Data: Integrating Information for Ukraine Resilience
Student: Manar Attar (now the Chief Operating Officer of Daffee and the co-founder of Vervai). Type: BSc A.I., VU, NL. Keywords: Linked open data, data integration, linked geospatial data, Ukraine resilience Co-supervisor: Ronald Siebes >> conference paper (resource and data track @ ACM SIGSPATIAL'23) >> demo paper (BNAIC'23) >> enriched datasets (the integrated dataset is available upon request) >> code >> project website
Simplifying Dutch Municipal Text: A Pivot-based Approach (Internship at Amsterdam Intelligence)
Student: Daniel Vlantis (now a master student in A.I. at the University of Amsterdam). Type: BSc A.I., VU, NL. Keywords: machine translation, NLP, text simplification, ChatGPT, Dutch municipal text Co-supervisor: Iva Gornishka (Amsterdam Intelligence) >> conference paper (under submission at COLING'24) >> code
Evaluating automated translation of LGBTQ terms: towards multilingual Homosaurus
Student: Anna-Maja Kazarian (now a professional chess player)
Type: BSc A.I., VU, NL.
Keywords: machine translation, multilingual vocabulary, LGBTQ+
>> thesis (presented at GlobalDH'23)
>> code
Ketamine and Depression
Student: Ikrame Zizar (now a linked data engineer in IISG) Type: MSc A.I., VU, NL. Keywords: causal relation, ketamine, depression, knowledge graph Co-supervisor: Zhisheng Huang, Ting Liu, Chengcheng Fu
Smart Urban Resilience: A linked Data Approach
Student: Tianyang Lu (now a software engineer in COMAC). Type: MSc CS, VU, NL. Keywords: Resilience data management, geo-spatial information, knowledge graphs Co-supervisor: Zhisheng Huang
A Qualitative Investigation on the Performance of Geospatial Triplestores (internship at Kadaster)
Student: Khaled Rabata (now a linked data specialist at Taxonic) Type: BSc A.I., VU, NL. Keywords: Geo-spatial information, triple stores, knowledge base validation Co-supervisor: Zhisheng Huang
Examining the Evolution of Identity Graphs Through Redirection
Student: Idries Nasim (a master student of A.I. at the UvA from autumn 2022) Type: BSc CS, VU, NL. Keywords: identity graph, knowledge graph, semantic web evolution. >> extended thesis abstract (BNAIC'22) >> publication (MPEDaW'22) >> code
Free speech dialogues for harmony in human relations
Student: Stein de Bever (now a junior DevOps engineer at de Volksbank) Type: CS/IMM, VU, NL. Keywords: chatbot, human-agent interaction, computer-aid workforce training. Co-supervised with Daniel Formolo (VU) and Tibor Bosse (RU Nijmegen) Company in collaboration: WorkRate >> publication (HCI'19)
Using human facial expressions for interpersonal stances
Student: Tico van der Laan (now a fleet manager at felyx and a master student at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Type: CS/IMM, VU, NL. Keywords: face recognition, image analysis, face detection, emotion detection. Co-supervised with Daniel Formolo (VU) and Tibor Bosse (RU Nijmegen).
NeuroEvolution for Real-time Object Recognition
Student: Lucas de Vries (now a PhD candidate in Deep Learning for Neuroradiology at the Amsterdam University Medical Center) Type: MSc, UvA, NL. Keywords: neural evolutionary, Raspberry Pi, neural network topology. Co-supervised with Gongjin Lan (VU) and Jadran Sirotkovic (Accenture). >> publication (SSCI'19) >> code
I am also a supervisor in the Digital Humanities Minor
Identifying Historical Occupations in Text using HISCO: A User-Centric Approach
Student: Guilherme Arashiro, Jaan Joosep Puusaag, Stacey Koolman co-supervisor: Xander Wilcke Type: project for minor, VU, NL. Keywords: HISCO, named entity recognition, string matching >> poster (DHBenelux'23) >>code >>paper